Press releases have always been the most essential tool of public relations sector of any company in order to communicate with the press. In previous days the releases are given to the invited press informing them about company press. But now the people related to public relations department use popular search engines and spread the press releases online in order to attract the world press by an individual attempt. Most importantly now-a-days press releases have become an indispensable tool of link building to optimize search engines. By using optimized links as well as anchor text in the press releases, professionals have made press releases a prime weapon of SEO. Below are some SEO guidelines for Press Release that can help you in indexing your website.
In order to optimize Google, the most popular search engine of all, professionals need to follow some guidelines. But a recent change in these guidelines has changed the SEO scenario. Google has issued a list of fresh webmaster guidelines which restricts the process of link building through online press releases. Recent reports suggest that Google is about to eliminate the optimized anchor texts indebt within the release copies. Google may also discard the releases which does not serve the purpose of a press release but used as a tool to increase search engine ranking. It is obvious that irregularities of various press release distribution services have compelled Google to take a firm decision on this issue.
The guidelines are interpreted in different ways. Here we try to provide you the information that will help you to understand the method of preparing SEO based press releases without undermining the guidelines.
- Make the press release more informative, detailed and analytical and include essential information about your product or services in a tactful way.
- Google may have restricted you from generating inbound links, but that does not mean that you can’t include any links at all. By using this opportunity you can retain the flow of traffic in your website.
- Use of attractive image in the press releases can be another effective measure.
- You can’t add any anchor text links as Google treats those as unnatural links.
- Using repetitive keywords will also be considered as a breach in the system.
- You just need to provide interesting story ideas through the press releases. Interested writers and journalists will automatically enlarge the idea through their blogs and link up your page with their copy.
- Using video or creating infographic version of the press release will also add an extra zeal.
- Try to broaden your story including information and current press of related industry along with the company press.
- Google may have added no-follow codes for making link-filled press releases unreadable to the search engines. But that will not stop you optimizing search engines with useful and important press releases.
- Social networking sites are convincible platforms to make your press release more visible. Enhance your distribution circle with the help of this platform wisely.
- Catchy headlines and titles grab the attention of people very quickly. Utilize this factor.
Online press releases are the food of journalists as well as the consumers all around the globe. There are almost 8,000 websites in the internet those provide productive press regularly. Even there are some of the big names in these websites those established themselves powerful in terms of business. But those sites have not flourished by merely using press releases a platform to generate links. Those have informed and educated readers and consumers over the years by putting efforts in the press they are providing. So, if you have the power source of information, press release will bring the best result for you without breaching the Google guidelines.